Shannon O. Leigh
Shannon is currently exploring the ways in which our personalities are formed through the layers of our daily experiences. Each moment leaves an often impercepible mark, an insignificant haze, yet over time those thin veils accumulate to form structures, scars, and totems.
The current series, bands, is imagining and imaging the Self as the sum total of all these layers amassed over time. She started the they matter work shortly after Mike Brown was murdered in Ferguson, moved by the need to make sense of the senseless. To honor those who are dishonored.
The they matter paintings led to a deeper exploration of the ways in which experience impacts us and is imprinted on us. The mHz paintings embody those marks and the contradiction embedded in them. The scars are the rhythm. The cuts are the healing.
As Shannon continues exploring these aspects of Self and the impact of experience, she is also using paint as a sculptural medium that allows her to lay down layer after layer to build structures, a proxy of a life lived.